DuBois Central Catholic discusses reopening plan, open house, and school events

The Diocese of Erie has requested that each school within the Diocese create a plan of action for the Reopening of Schools for the 2020/2021 School year.
Gretchen Caruso, President of the DCC School System stated, “The Erie Diocese recognizes that each school is unique and plans need to reflect local needs.”
The Health and Safety Plan will be created specifically for DuBois Central Catholic. The plan must keep Gov. Wolf’s color-coded reopening plan in mind, so school districts in red phase counties must continue remote instruction, for instance. The plan will have to be approved by the DCC Executive Board, then submitted to the Diocese of Erie for approval, and then finally by the local school board. According to the Diocese, the final plan must be posted on the school’s website before reopening can occur.
DCC has completed their Return to Sports Plan, which was approved by the DCC School Board on June 25th and the Director of Athletics for the Diocese of Erie, Doug Chuzie. The plan meets PIAA & Governors Directives and will be added to the DuBois Central Catholic website, www.duboiscatholic.com under the ‘Athletics’ tab, July first.
After much discussion, it has been decided that the 2020 DCC spring musical production of Rodgers and Hammerstein’s, Cinderella will be postponed until the spring of 2021. If you purchased tickets, you have the option of receiving a full refund or a credit for the 2021 performances. Please bring your tickets to the Main Office of the MS/HS, anytime between 9-2PM, Monday – Thursday. You will either receive a refund check or a credit slip for your tickets.
DuBois Central Catholic will host a “Summer All School Open House & Little Cardinal’s Preschool Registration” on Wednesday, July 8 from 11AM-4PM. This event was to originally take place in April. Guests will be able to meet administrators and tour the school. Light refreshments will be available. According to the Director of Admissions, Debora Kruise, if a family is unable to attend the open house, they may call her office at 371-6689 to schedule a time convenient for the family. Covid-19 protocols will be used.
A ‘Meet & Greet’ consisting of newly accepted families, families currently in the admissions process, and their Cardinal Families will be held on Wednesday, July 8 starting at 6:30 p.m.
The DCC 4thAnnual All School July Pool Party held at the DuBois City Pool will be postponed until next year due to the Covid-19 party protocols set by the pool.
The DCC 4th Annual All School Sports Kick-Off and Bonfire is slated for Thursday, August 27th, depending upon recommended state guidelines released in August.
The DCC Second Annual Golf Tournament will be held on Friday, September 4, 2020 at Beechwoods Golf Course in Falls Creek, PA.
Gwen Auman, Advancement Director and event coordinator stated, “We all had a very enjoyable time last year. This year we will be holding a Golf Ball Drop fundraiser in conjunction with the tournament. We also will have students and teachers demonstrating equipment from our new Maker Space Room, which enhances our STREAM program at DCC.”
To request a golf tournament brochure call Gwen Auman at 814-372-3882.