Jeff Tech to provide its own special education services

The Jeff Tech Operating Committee met on February 24 and was informed of a surprise item in the budget for next year—special education services.
The DuBois Area School District has provided those services for a number of years, but Jeff Tech Administrative Director Barry Fillman informed the committee that DuBois will no longer be providing those services and the Jeff Tech 2020-2021 budget had to be reworked to include them.
Two late agenda items were approved, one that authorized Dr. Fillman to “begin the implementation of Special Education services at Jeff Tech through Jeff Tech personnel. All instructional positions created/or utilized on the premises will be employees of Jeff Tech.” The second late agenda item authorized Dr. Fillman to “pursue consultation and temporary delivery of service that may be necessary in support of the transition to Jeff Tech’s implementation of Special Education service.”
Fillman said it was a challenge but the school was up for it.
“We’re going to do it as good as anybody,” he said.
The school will also have to provide its own School Police Officer (SPO) next year, something that DuBois had been providing.
Reynlow News has reached out via email to Wendy Benton, Superintendent of the DuBois Area School District, for a response.
Fillman also praised Business Manager Sherry Hasselman for working on the revised budget over the weekend so it would be ready for the committee meeting. That budget will be presented in detail at the March regular meeting.
Other Actions
The Committee accepted, with regret, the resignation of Digital Media Arts instructor Sam Ettaro effective February 28. Ian Aughenbaugh was hired for that position starting February 25.
There will be a Career Fair at Jeff Tech Thursday, February 27 from noon-2:30 p.m. A Recruitment Night will be held March 18 from 4:30-6:30 p.m. At the school. Adult learners are also invited to attend that night to see what Jeff Tech has to offer.
The Committee also approved a motion to sign a memorandum of agreement with the union representing the teachers at Jeff Tech clarifying language in contract agreement.