Pro-Life week begins October 4 at DCC

The Department of Campus Ministry has announced Pro-Life Week will begin at DCC on Monday, October 5 and end on Thursday, October 9, a tradition lasting over 40 years with DCC students.
The week begins with a month, long diaper drive. This year, Catholic Charities Counseling & Adoption Services, located at 90 Beaver Drive, Ste. 19, DuBois has been chosen to receive the diapers and monies collected from a ‘Cutest Senior Baby Picture’ contest by students.
Catholic Charities Pregnancy/Parenting Support Counselor, Vicky Metzger said, “We have a pregnancy/parenting support program that helps families with babies under age one in the community. If a birth mom signs up when she is pregnant we are able to offer her services until her baby’s first birthday. She is able to receive diapers, wipes, formula, clothes, blankets and other miscellaneous baby items. We also offer car seats to our families at a small fee, that we get from PennDOT.
If a mom has a baby that is under the age of one year and signs up for our program we are able to help her 5 times up to the baby’s birthday. There are no income guidelines, so all women who are pregnant or have an infant under the age of one year are eligible.
During Pro-Life Week, each wing of the middle and high school, will be given a dress-down day to the homeroom that collects the most packages of diapers. DCC seniors will be placing cans in the main hall, with their baby pictures affixed, for fellow students to cast votes for the ‘Cutest Senior Baby Picture’. Students will also have a dress down day to wear white for life and will host a ‘New Student Luncheon’. One weekly Mass in October will be celebrated for Pro-Life with senior Michaela Armanini singing, the school’s traditional song for the Pro-Life Mass, Masterpiece. The week will close out with an All-School Pro-Life March around the school.
According to Becky Dutra, Director of Campus Ministry and HS Theology Instructor, “In class we will be focusing on the topics of Abortion, Planned Parenthood, Euthanasia and the Death Penalty. Pro-Life pertains to life, from birth until natural death.”