Protestors gather for a march and rally in DuBois
A crowd of about 75 to 100 people gathered at the DuBois Memorial Park on June 6 to join their voices with the other voices across the country protesting the death of George Floyd and to promote understanding and cooperation.
The march began in front of the amphitheater and made it’s way north on Liberty Boulevard. It then went down Parkway Drive to the YMCA where it turned left, crossed the park and then came out on West Park Avenue back to Liberty Boulevard.
The demonstrators then lined up along Liberty Boulevard across from the Episcopal Church, holding up signs and chanting Floyd’s name, Black Lives Matter, and stop police brutality.

One of the coordinators of the event was Matt Little of DuBois, who said he saw the need from social media posts.
“I just saw so many people who were trying to spread a message, and they decided to take it to Facebook and say ‘you could be doing this, you have the power to do this;’ well, if we do we”re going to do it, and here we are. You know, all we had to do was open our mouths and the community joined together,” Little said.
The demonstrators had access to water and food, all donated from various businesses which was passed on from other demonstrations, and Little said the DuBois march intends to do the same.
When asked about where everyone was from, Little said most of the people there were local.
“So far it looks like these really are just your brothers and sisters, your community, your friends, your family—we’ve really come together, at least in the Tri-County area.”
There was a low-key police presence, with one patrol car parked in the American Legion parking lot and another in the alley between the Episcopal church and the Middle School. Other police vehicles could be seen driving up and down Liberty Boulevard, only observing the peaceful protest.