Winslow Township has a clean audit report for 2021
Editor’s note: Reynlow Community News was unable to attend this meeting. The information provided came from a phone interview with borough secretary Mary Greeley.
The Winslow Township Supervisors met in regular session on March 14 and heard the audit report for 2021.
Auditor Chairwomen Tina Bernarduci, who was joined by Secretary-Treasurer Tim Kougher, said there were no findings in the 2021 books and the report was accepted.
In other action, the supervisors discussed plans for the addition to the township building. Those plans are in the preliminary stages at this time and there is not start date set as of yet.
The board also discussed getting the paperwork started for the next round of Covid Relief Funds. The township received the first grant in June of 2021 totaling $131, 098.19
The next meeting is scheduled for April 11 at 6 p.m. at the township building.