DCC celebrates graduation

DuBois Central Catholic’s 59th Commencement Exercises took place the weekend of June 6.  Participants followed the PA Department of Health recommended protocols regarding public events during the COVID-19 pandemic.

 The weekend began, with DCC Seniors being driven by the City of Dubois and Sandy Township Fire Companies around the city of DuBois to celebrate their impending graduation prior to Baccalaureate. 

Graduates, their families and friends, administrators and faculty gathered in the First Commonwealth Performance Arts Center for The Celebration of The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity Baccalaureate Mass, celebrated by Fr. David Whiteford

Following the Baccalaureate Mass, Tiandra Snyder, Director of Guidance, emceed the Senior Awards Assembly.  The following awards and scholarships were presented: 

  • McClusky-Royan Lodge Memorial Scholarship – Rachel Aravich
  •  DuBois Little League – Shayleigh Gulvas
  •  Knights of Columbus – Madisyn Miscavish
  •  Dahrouge Family Education Scholarship – Hannah Holdren
  •  Dr. Albert Varacallo Education Scholarship – Colin Barnett
  •  Shane Edward Horner Memorial Scholarship – Juliana Stine
  •  Stanley J. Sekula Award – Juliana Stine
  •  CCHS-DCC Alumni Association Scholarship – Dylan Foster, Gweneth Vida, Tristan Engle, Bella Mangiantini, Lindsey Reiter, Allison Pittsley and Rachel Aravich
  • DuBois Rotary Club Scholarship – Madison & Rachel Miller
  • Daughters of the American Revolution Good Citizens Award – Dylan Foster
  •  Sandy High Scholarship – Allison Pittsley
  •  AML All Star Award for Basketball -Shayleigh Gulvas and Martina Swalligan.

On Sunday, June 7 graduation began promptly at 1PM in the First Commonwealth Performance Arts Center.  Student Council President, Johnathan Ritsick began the ceremony with a welcome to all those in attendance, followed by Senior Class President, Madisyn Miscavish who gave the opening prayer.  

Salutatorian, Zachary George highlighted memorable moments shared by the Class of 2020 and commented on how, “We’ll all miss the comfortable routine that we’ve known for the past 13 years.” He concluded with wishing his classmates “Goodluck” and the hope that each of them “…would go on to do great things and find true happiness and success.”

Valedictorian, Dylan Foster reminded his classmates that ‘We are the authors of our own lives, so tell the story that you want to tell.  Follow your dreams, utilize your talents and abilities and leave behind a life you can be proud of which inspires others.’

The presentation of the graduates and the conferring of diplomas was under the direction of Mrs. Kathleen Kunkle, Academic Dean; Secondary Principal Karrie Miller, and Ms.Tiandra Snyder, Director of Guidance.  

DCC President Gretchen Caruso served as emcee of Commencement and announced the following awardees who were presented honor plaques:  

  • Overall Academic Excellence- Dylan Foster, Valedictorian
  • Overall Academic Achievement – Zachary George, Salutatorian

Honor plaques of excellence were also awarded for the following: 

  • English – Rachel Miller
  • Mathematics – Gweneth Vida
  • Science – Allison Pittsley
  • Social Studies – Colin Barnett
  • Theology- Madison Miller
  • Business / Technology – Jaci Mennetti
  • Foreign Language – Dan Cooley
  • Journalism – Juliana Stine
  • Christian Service – Gabriella Delzangle
  • Performing Arts – Alexandra Ochs
  • Visual Arts – Jordan Kosko and Martina Swalligan
  • Female Athletics – Shayleigh Gulvas
  •  Male Athletics – Johnathan Ritsick

Winner of the 2020 Mary Petruzzi Lionetti Memorial Scholarship Award and scholarship for Catholic Leadership was Alexandra Ochs.  The Bishop’s Award for Excellence was awarded to Lindsey Reiter. 

After the presentation of awards, Miller spoke about the determination and work ethic of this years’ class, even when faced with monumental challenges.  “They thought outside of the box and made things work, and most importantly, they did it-together.” Miller thanked the parents and guardians of her students for “enrolling their child to DCC and trusting us with their education.  The graduation class that stands before us today has shown so many positive qualities, qualities that were instilled at home through your efforts.”


  • President Caruso thanked the students for their commitment and dedication to their studies and to DCC; for the smiles and laughter they provided through the years.   Caruso reminded the students to ‘…not forget those who have gotten you to this point—your family, teachers, coaches, clergy, etc…and to include them in your future successes and yes, even failures.”  Caruso reminded students, “Failure does not define you unless you give up.  It is only through failure that true learning, growth, and success occur.” To parents and guardians, Caruso reminded them to “…let your children make mistakes, it’s what allows them to grow.  Just be there to catch them and encourage them.  Failure is a part of life and it makes the successes all the sweeter.”  In closing she reminded the graduates “Always start and end your day with a grateful heart.  It is very easy to lose sight of the blessings in our life.  If you make a deliberate effort to remind yourself of them each day It will truly change your life and make you a much happier person.”



At the closing of the Commencement Ceremony, everyone joined together in singing the Alma Mater.  The last verse, written to be sung only by seniors, was sung by the Class of 2020 in unison.  Fr. David Whiteford gave the Benediction and the class departed to carry out a final tradition for graduates, the tossing of the mortar boards outside in front of the school sign.

The Class of 2020, comprised of 30 students, was awarded a total of $883,637 in scholarships.  Ninety-six percent of the students plan on attending college, four percent will be entering the work force. 

The entire graduation weekend was provided to additional family members and friends by ZOOM and Facebook Live.  Kevin Flounlacker, Lake View Videos videotaped the weekend of events.  

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