Reynoldsville Ambulance Service recognized

The Reynoldsville Area Ambulance Service was recognized at the Expert Level through the Pediatric Voluntary Recognition Program of the Pennsylvania EMS for Children Program.
According to the Pennsylvania EMS for Children Program the Prepared for Pediatrics EMS program is “a multi-tiered recognition program for EMS agencies who wish to establish programs and standards to improve their capabilities to deliver care to pediatrics. Participation in the program is entirely voluntary.”
The Pennsylvania EMS for Children Program is a cooperative effort between the Pennsylvania Department of Health Bureau of EMS and the Pennsylvania Emergency Health Services Council. In order to be recognized at the Expert Level a service must stock their ambulances with extra pediatric equipment and supplies, have child welfare background checks done on all providers, have all EMS providers complete a minimum of four pediatric continuing education credits per year, provide several pediatric community outreach programs per year, and host car seat checks.
EMT Billy Cebulskie and EMT/President Dan Stitt established this program and continue to make sure that the ambulance service is meeting the yearly criteria to maintain the recognition. Currently, according to Pennsylvania Emergency Health Services Council listings, the Reynoldsville Area Ambulance Service is the only service in Jefferson County to participate in the program and is the only Licensed BLS Service in Jefferson, Clearfield, and Elk County to be recognized at the expert level.
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