Reynoldsville Borough Council meets

Reynoldsville Borough Council moved its regular meetings to the third Monday of every month for June, July, and August. A meeting was held on June 20, but Reynlow News was not able to be there. Here is a wrap up of the meeting from Borough Secretary Jacqueline Dixon.
*Grant Street resident John Smith addressed council about violation notices he’s received about junk vehicles and high grass. He said there were other violations on his street. Code Enforcement Office Nichole Walk said she would look into it.
*Tax collector Sue Burkett asked council to adopt a resolution setting the cost for a tax duplicate at $10 and a tax certificate at $20. That resolution request is under review.
*Council approved a request from the Reynoldsville Fire Department to transfer the park and pavilion area over to the department pending an investigation into how that transfer can take place.
*No bids were received for the summer paving project, so the borough crew will do what it can and wait until next year. The council decided to go ahead with the lean-to the crew has requested.
*The council is still undecided where to place the ticket box located at the front of the borough building which is closed due to problems with the facade. Contractors have been looking at the building but no cost estimates have been received.
*The council approved a resolution supporting a grant application by the Reynoldsville Pool. Rick Vizza was named Citizen of the Month for June for his efforts on helping get the pool ready to be open on time. Council also approved the purchase of a new external door for the police department.
*The next meeting will be July 18 at 6 pm at the fire hall.