Jeff Tech students complete work for Jefferson County

Students in the Collision Repair Technology shop at Jeff Tech recently did some repair and refinishing work on the Jefferson County Department of Emergency Services command vehicle.
Shop instructor Pam Kerr said the work included repairs on the doors, replacing and refinishing the tailgate and fuel door, repairing and refinishing both rear fender flares, installing new running boards, and more.
Kerr said all 24 students in the shop worked on the vehicle for more than three months. The cost of the project was about $1700.00 without labor.
“Students were assigned a task to complete just as he/she would in a real work environment,” she said. “This project not only enhances student learning, it also gives back to the community.”
Kerr added that while the vehicle is ten years old, its low mileage and now shiny repairs will keep it serviceable for the Jefferson County Department of Emergency Services.