Reynoldsville Borough Council appeals PLRB ruling, adds new member

At the work session meeting held on September 8 it was learned that Reynoldsville Borough Council has decided to appeal a ruling by a Pennsylvania Labor Relations Board (PLRB) concerning the borough police department.

McGranor addresses council

Back in mid-August, the PLRB posted its “proposed decision and order” concerning an unfair labor practice filed by Teamsters Union Local #110 on behalf of former borough police officer Tammy Murray. The PLRB ruled the borough committed an unfair labor practice in two of the three areas that were filed.

In response to a question from borough resident Stacy Snedden, Reynoldsville Borough Solicitor Joe Ryan (who attended the meeting by phone because he was in Covid quarantine) stated that the borough has appealed the proposed decision.

“The hearing officer’s decision that just came out the day of our [previous] meeting—and to be clear we were not aware of that decision at the last meeting; we were not made aware of it until afterwards—is under appeal and it’s still in litigation” he said. Ryan added he was not aware of how long that litigation would take.

The council has decided to press on with the process of hiring a new police chief to replace former chief Troy Bell. Ryan said a panel of current and former police officers is being formed and that the position will be advertised once the wording of the ad is worked out.

When asked if she would apply for that position, Murray replied “No comment.”

In a written statement he read before council, borough resident Bill McGranor commented that in his 88 years as a resident the borough has had its own police protection and he urged the council to work to make it happen again.

“We’re looking for a better community to live in, not a community that can’t solve [its] problems. We need to work together,” he said.

New Council member


In other action, the council voted to approve the nomination of Kyle Gordon to replace Billy Cebulskie who resigned from the board last month. He was one of two residents who applied, the other being Leeanne Toombs. He is on the fall ballot for a seat in his own right, but for now he will complete Cebluskie’s term.

Mayor Peach Caltagarone was not at the meeting, so Gordon will be sworn in at a later date.

Gordon is an assistant principal in the Brookville Area School District.

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