Borough council meets, takes action on a preliminary no-tax-increase budget

Reynoldsville Borough Council met in regular session on November 16 and was unable to recognize the Citizen of the Month for November because that person was unable to attend the meeting due to illness.

The council approved a motion to advertise the 2023 budget totaling $916,025 that holds the line on taxes.

Both Mayor Mark August and Councilmember John Chesnalavich, Jr., expressed their concern that the budget does not include money for a part time police officer. August said he requested $40,000 be budgeted for that amount to cover when Officer Tammy Murray is on vacation or not available. 

“We still need another officer…and I’m not saying a full time officer I’m saying part time,” Mayor August said.

Chesnalavich expressed his displeasure with the fact he was not informed of the budget committee meeting, which, several council members said, was an oversight.

Councilmember Max Smith said this was a preliminary budget and monies can be moved from category to category as the need arises. Council President William Cebulskie commented, “This is a proposed budget. There are things you can work with yet,” he said. 

The proposal will be advertised and acted upon at the December council meeting.

In the public comments section of the meeting, Council heard from Krystina Palumbo of Palumbo and Son’s Realty who requested a variance be granted for the property the company is renovating next to the Veterans Memorial Park. She provided information showing the Veterans Park Committee and another adjacent property owner approved the request.

Palumbo said the plan is to add an addition to the building which will then allow for five one bedroom apartments. Without the variance, they could only include four.

After some discussion, the council approved the variance.

Zane Clinger addressed council with questions about the garbage contract (see the complete story here). He also asked to be placed on the water authority board to represent Winslow Township. He said he heard that authority member Barry Fillman has resigned and that a township resident is required to be on the board.

Council president William Cebulskie, who is also on the water and sewer board, said that since it was an authority, there is no requirement for township representation. He also said the Fillman resignation has not been finalized.

Marilyn Hoare of the Reynoldsville recreation Committee, which operates the pool, also addressed council and provided a financial report. A wrap up of that report can be read here.

Reynoldsville Borough Building

Council approved the transfer of $59,500 dollars from the second allotment of the Covid Relief funds to cover the cost of the facade repairs on the borough building. Council commended the contractor, PALO, Inc., on a job well done.

In other action, the council named three new members to the Reynoldsville Area Industrial Development (RAID) Committee which oversees the industrial park. The new members include Scott Wolfgang, Pat Dennison, and Paul Roman.

Three new ordinances will be advertised. One clarifies the language of an ordinance governing what animals can be kept in the borough. The other will repeal the Quality of Life Ordinance, which governs code enforcement, and replace it with something easier to enforce. The third complies with a state mandate concerning late tax fees for new property owners. Council member Nichole Walk said an ordinance regarding people living in campers in the borough can’t be enacted due to the fact the borough is not zoned. 

The council also approved an Eagle Scout project for Landon Wolfgang, which will improve the front walkway at the football field bleachers.

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