Reynoldsville Council approves forensic audit of the Water/Sewer Authority
The controversy surrounding the Reynoldsville water and Sewer Authority took center stage again at the Reynoldsville Borough Council meeting on August 20 at the Reynoldsville Fire Hall.

Bob Adams, a former employee of the authority, read a letter that he submitted to the council he asked council to move ahead with a forensic audit of the authority’s finances.
In the letter, Adams outlined what he felt were “unethical policies” that have occurred over the past twenty years. In closing, he stated, “Borough Council has the obligation to the borough tax payers to move forward with the forensic audit. Liability for not moving forward at this time would put our whole community at risk.”
Other members of the audience echoed Mr. Adams’ comments asking council to approve the audit.
At the last borough council work session held on August 6, Council President William Cebulskie asked for a motion to complete the audit, but no one would make the motion.
At this meeting, council member Darren Scolese explained he didn’t make the motion at the last meeting because he felt the issue was too important not to have a full council present. Though two members, Ralph “Tucker” August and Billy Cebulskie were absent this session, Scolese felt there were enough members present to make the motion for the audit, which was then approved.
Before the meeting went into an executive session, members from the audience voiced their opposition to the move by council, including a comment that the Pennsylvania Ethics Commission had reviewed the complaints and didn’t find anything, but Council President Cebulskie disagreed.
“Let them (the Ethics Commission) do their job and it will be fine,” he said.
No timetable was mentioned for the audit.