Winslow Township reorganizes

It took less than a half hour for Winslow Township officials to hold three separate meetings on January 4.
The first meeting was the annual reorganization meeting. All offices remain the same as 2020, with Robert Krajewski board chairman and Rick August as vice chairman. Brian Mottern, Sr., will remain the roadmaster, and Mary Greeley will continue as secretary.
The supervisors also approved small hourly rate increases for employees. They also increased the rate for renting township equipment from $75 and hour to $100 an hour with a minimum of four hours.
Regular meetings will be held on the second Mondays of every month at 6 p.m. at the township building.
The reorganization meeting then adjourned to give way to the auditor’s meeting. Tina Bernarduci will remain the chairwoman of that board. Tim Kougher will be secretary. The annual audit will begin the week of January 25.
Once the auditors were done, the supervisors held their regular monthly meeting. They signed an agreement with EADS Group for engineering services for the coming year. They also received a letter from the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT), which informed the supervisors that PennDOT planned to do traffic studies on municipal roadways from January to April 2021.