DASD School Board sheds no light on superintendent absence

Article by Glenn Schuckers

After cancelling its January work session, the DuBois Area School Board held its regular meeting on Thursday, January 24.

Superintendent questions

When Board president Larry Salone opened the floor to audience comments and questions, a resident asked about an item that appeared on page 11 of the agenda which stated, “Luke Lansberry, superintendent, requesting a leave of absence beginning December 31, 2018, until further notice.” The resident pointed out that four other requests on the same page and page 12 specified “unpaid” leaves of absence for other employees and had both beginning and ending dates of the leaves.

Salone responded by saying the leave requested by Lansberry would be “paid” but made no further comment. When the item came up later in the meeting it was passed unanimously as was an earlier motion to name current assistant superintendent, Wendy Benton, as “substitute superintendent effective December 31,2018, until further notice.”


After recognizing fall sports athletes and the coaches with certificates for the student athletes, the Board heard a presentation from School Resource Officer Janice Bart regarding programs in the schools that have been implemented to increase school security. Bart explained the “Safe2Say Something” as a state program to allow and encourage people to report possible threats. She went on to add that this program is but one of the District’s efforts to keep students safe.

Make up days announced
The Board then voted to add two late agenda items, the first being to add two metal detectors where the SRO’s deem appropriate. The other late agenda item dealt with changes to the school calendar. Due to mold issues at both the high school and middle school, those schools missed seven and five days respectively, which need to be made up. Benton said two of the days will be made up during the school year with one make-up day on Friday, February 22, and the other on Monday, April 22. She added that the suggestion for those make-up days had come from the student representatives on the Board, Kailey Pisani, Brady Johnson and James Oberlin.

During the discussion on that motion board member Dave Schwab along with others complemented the student representatives for their initiative in instituting this action and for their concern about all students’ education.

Hire a new IT director

The Board then went on to approve the other agenda items, one of which was a resolution stating there will be no tax increase by more than the index established by the Department of Education (PA) during the 2019 – 2020 fiscal year.

Under the subject of employment, the Board voted unanimously to hire Steve Moore as IT Director effective on or after January 28, 2019, at a salary of $70,000 prorated for the 2018-2019 school year.

The Board also voted to close five current activity accounts and transfer the money in those accounts to the Student Council account. The reason for the closings stated that there has been a lack of activity. The accounts closed are those of the class of 2018, the DAHS Team Spirit Club, the DAHS BUSTED Club, the tennis Club and the Fast Break Club. In other actions the District will solicit bids for the sale of two vehicles, a 2003 Ford F350, and a 2000 Chevy 2500, both of which have more than 100,00 miles.

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