Reynoldsville council appoints new code enforcement officer

With the furnace in the borough building awaiting repairs, the monthly Reynoldsville Borough Council work session on March 3 was moved to the Fire Hall.
After opening the meeting, Council President William Cebulskie announced an executive session for the purpose of legal and personnel issues. That session lasted for about 35 minutes.
Once council returned, Ceblulskie said he and council member Ralph “Tucker” August met as the personnel committee to consider two applications for the borough code enforcement officer. Of the two, they recommended that council member Nichole Walk be named to the position. The council approved a motion to hire Walk.
Walk replaces Larry Kirkwood who resigned from his positions with the borough last month. Kirkwood’s resignation will not be accepted by council until he completes the upcoming code enforcement hearings before the district magistrate. In the meantime, Walk will assume the job as code enforcement officer. Council member Robin McMillan pointed out that while there will be two code enforcement officers until the hearings are completed, Kirkwood will not be working any hours for the borough.
Later in the meeting, residents complained of a problem with a property on Brown Street. Walk said she is aware of the problem and sent a letter concerning the cleanup of the property.
“It will be addressed,” she said.
Councilman August said he was concerned about the borough street crew going on private property to board up houses that pose a safety issue. Solicitor Joe Ryan said that once the borough is made aware of a problem with a property, it has the obligation to do something about it to avoid litigation even without the property owner’s permission.
Walk explained the property owners will be notified by certified letter and if no action is taken the borough will act and pass the costs on to the property owner for materials and for the time the borough crew was on the job. The property owner can also face fines.
Council president Cebulskie said that a discussion was held and it was decided that Reynoldsville Borough Police Chief Troy Bell should go with the work crew in case they run into any problems.
Trash collection bills
One resident complained of an overcharge on her trash collection bill from Waste Management, formerly Advanced Disposal. She said the overcharge was $1.87. Borough secretary Jacqueline Dixon said she contacted Waste Management who said it was an accounting error and that those who saw the overcharge will be credited.
Water authority
Cebulskie, who also serves on the water and sewer authority, said that a lot of transitioning has taken place with the board. He also acknowledged the State Police investigation into an alleged theft-disposition of funds that is currently underway.
Cebulskie said the board is exploring several options concerning the authority, including selling it to a private company or incorporating an additional authority, but no decision has been made yet.
As far as the smell that residents have noticed with the water, he said the carbon filter causing the problem has been repaired and that the smell should dissipate with time.
Roof collapse
When asked about the roof collapse that occurred February 23 on a building located at the corner of Swamp Alley and Gordon Alley, Council member Darren Scolese said the weight of the snow probably caused the collapse and the insurance company is waiting for the snow to melt before proceeding with its investigation.
Portions of both alleys will remain closed at this time.
The council’s next meeting is scheduled for March 17 at 6 p.m. at the Fire Hall.